Outside the main road , the one of the shows, which sees VIE Festival winding almost alongside the millenary via Emilia road, we find out a sub-geography of VIE world, made of its “events”, meant to invade other spaces in ERT cities and to bring the theatre outside of itself, beyond its canonical walls.
There will be several books signings, an opportunity to get to know some of the dramaturgies of ERT productions presented during the Festival, but also an opportunity to move towards other cultural routes (Australia, Greece, Uruguay).  Together with playwrights, actors, curators and academics, the books signings open windows that face the lively horizons of dramaturgy and of the current theatrical reflection.
This attention will be its height on Saturday 9 in Modena, at “Drammaturgie#Anno19. Esperienze//Prospettive (Dramaturgies#Year19. Experiences//Perspectives)”, the round table with the professionals.
The several workshops – for actors, playwrights and young spectators- will dig subterranean paths, going through all the VIE days.
Finally, concluding with a toast, VIE parties on Friday 1 in Modena and on Saturday 3 in Cesena.

All events are free entry


3.00 PM – Laboratorio Aperto ex AEM, Modena
open day
Iolanda Gazzerro Theatre School
An open-door afternoon at ERT school to know people, places and the new training proposals for season 2019-2020. A course on the Fundamentals of acting practices, the first level of a new three-year course for actors, and the new specialization courses for interpreters and Dramaturgs will be presented.

5.30 PM – Irnerio Ubik Bookshop, Bologna
books signing
“Menelao // Aristotele” (Menelaus // Aristotle)
with Davide Carnevali
and with Michele Dell’Utri and Teatrino Giullare
Presentation of the volumes “Menelao” (Menelaus) and “Aristotele invita Velázquez a colazione e gli prepara uova e (Francis) Bacon” (Aristotle invites Velázques for breakfast and prepares him eggs and (Francis) Bacon) – Classroomplay project – by Davide Carnevali. Two volumes and two texts for two plays produced by ERT and scheduled for VIE, by one of the most important Italian playwrights, who is at home in here as in Berlin and Barcelona. Two works forming part of the book series Linea, published by ERT and Luca Sossella.

7.00 PM – Ubik bookshop, Modena
book signing
“Teatro. Australia” (Theatre. Australia)
with Margherita Mauro
readings from texts by Diana Manea
Presentation with readings from an anthology of Australian texts edited by Margherita Mauro and Maddalena Parise, published by ERT Foundation and Luca Sossella, publisher of the new book series LineaExtra. Three works by three comtemporary playwrights, Suzie Miller (The Matematics of Longing), Nakkiah Lui (Black is the new white), Tom Holloway (And No More Shall We Part) translated into Italian for the first time.  Three entirely different writings describing the rich panorama of current Australian scene.

11.00 PM – Teatro delle Passioni, Modena
First party of VIE Festival with Dj-set, music and a long after-hours after the play.


11.30 AM – Ubik bookshop, Modena
book signing
“Teatro. Grecia” (Theatre. Greece)
with Olivier Descotes
readings from texts by Michele Dell’Utri
Presentation with readings from the anthology of Greek tests edited by Olivier Descotes, published by ERT Foundation and Luca Sossella in the new book series LineaExtra. Three works by three contemporary playwrights, Alexandra K*, Yannis Mavritsakis and Yannis Tsiros, translated into Italian for the first time by Maurizio De Rosa. Three entirely different writings describing the strength of the new Greek drama.

6.30 PM – Tamla, Cesena
book signing
“Teatro. Gabriel Calderón” (Theatre. Gabriel Calderón)
with Gabriel Calderón and the curator Teresa Vila
readings from texts by Diana Manea
Presentation with readings from the anthology of texts by the Uruguayan playwright Gabriel Calderón, edited by Teresa Vila and published by ERT Foundation and Luca Sossella in the new book series LineaExtra. First issue in Italian on Calderón’s theatre, with two texts including Ex – que revienten los actores, scheduled at Bonci theatre for VIE Festival.

7.30 PM – Tamla, Cesena
VIE lands in Cesena. A pre-party before going on stage with dj-set, music and “show mood”.


5.00 PM – Arena del Sole theatre, Bologna
book signing 
 “Culture teatrali. Teatri del suono” (Theatrical cultures. Theatres of sound)
with Enrico Pitozzi
Presentation of the last issue of “Culture teatrali” (Theatrical cultures), the historical magazine founded by Marco De Marinis and published by Usher. This last issue is partly dedicated to the theatres of sound, a cross-cutting theme at VIE Festival, due to the presence of artists such as Francesco Giomi, LSKA, Dimitris Kamarotos.

9.00 PM – Aula absidale (apsidal room)  “Santa Lucia”
meeting / dialogue
“Io sono, Io non sono” (I am, I am not)
with Lino Guanciale and Michela Murgia
in cooperation with Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
A writer and an actor in a dialogue on the elaborated concept of identity, among literature, theatre and reality, always submerged in our present time. Episode zero of a new cycle of cooperation between ERT Foundation and Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna.
Free entry with compulsory registration on the website https://eventi.unibo.it/uniboculturaeventi/programma-incontri-io-sono-io-non-sono


6.30 PM – Irnerio Ubik bookshop, Bologna
book signing 
“F. Perdere le cose” (F. Losing things)
with Kepler-452
In anticipation of the premiere of the new production ERT by Kepler-452, an investigation on the trajectory of Via Emilia road, in search of what is disappearing and of hidden humanity. A presentation of the performance drama published in the book series Linea by ERT and Luca Sossella.


2.30 PM – Laboratorio aperto (Open laboratory) ex AEM
“Drammaturgie#Anno19. Esperienze//Prospettive” (Drama#Year19. Experiences//Perspectives
An afternoon of reflection with the operators and some of the guest artists of the festival, to reason on current acting practices.
A moment to compare views, critical experiences and productions, with the aim of starting a sort of navigation on the actual geography of drama.


11.30 AM – Ubik bookshop. Modena
book signing
“Prove di drammaturgia. Teatro che cresce” (Reharsal of drama. A growing theatre)
with Nicola Bonazzi, Gerardo Guccini and Micaela Casalboni
with readings from Michele Dell’Utri, Simone Francia, Diana Manea
A conclusion to the pathway of book presentations and a sort of footnote to the event “Drammaturgie#Anno19. Esperienze//Prospettive” (Drama#Year19. Experiences//Perspectives).
A moment of reflection on “Audience development, formazione, cultura del progetto” (Audience development, training, culture of project) thanks to the last issue of “Prove di drammaturgia” (Reharsals of drama), the magazine of the Music and Drama faculty in Bologna University, published by Titivillus.

VIE workshops

#VIEworkshop (Under 35)

“Ex” – Cesena, February 25, 26, 27
Dramaturgical and performative workshop organized by Diana Manea
Reserved for people under 35
A three-day laboratory in Cesena with Diana Manea, to unpack the text of Gabriel Calderón’s Ex – que revienten los actores together with the performers, before seeing the show at Bonci theatre on March 3 and 4 for VIE Festival.

“Sei personaggi on via Emilia road” (Six characters on via Emilia road) – Castelfranco Emilia, March 1, 2, and 3
Dramaturgical and performative workshop organized by Daniele Francia
Reserved for people under 35
A three-day laboratory in Castelfranco Emilia with Simone Francia, to examine the experience of theatrical writing, together with the performers. Starting from the paradoxes of Pirandello’s Six characters, among fiction, body and puppet, waiting for The puppet-show man with Yeung Faï on March 3 and Sei by Spiro Scimone on March 9 and 10, both at Teatro Dadà.

“Evasioni: parole che sfuggono alle prigioni” (Evasions: words escaping from prisons) – Modena, March 4, 5, and 6
Presentation on March 3, 19.00 PM, Teatro delle Passioni café
Dramaturgical and performative workshop organized by Michele Dell’Utri
Reserved for people under 35
A three-day laboratory about theatre and teaching with Michele Dell’Utri in Modena. Taking inspiration from the play Casa Calabaza, scheduled for March 6 and 7 at Teatro delle Passioni, a laboratory on writing and acting to face limits and prejudices and to understand how to overcome them.
A final demonstration is included.

#VIEworkshop (actors)

Aglaia Pappas – Modena, March 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Workshop on the figure of the messenger in Greek tragedy, organised by Aglaia Pappas.
Reserved for actors.
A five-day laboratory in the very middle of VIE Festival week in Modena, to unpack the figure of the messenger in Attic tragedy. Organized by Aglaia Pappas, a refined and exceptionally strong interpreter, who comes back to VIE with Strange Tales on March 9 and 10 at Teatro delle Passioni, Modena. She will be assisted in the laboratory by Gemma Carbone.

#VIEworkshop (drama weekend, March 1, 2, 3)

Gabriel Calderón – Modena, March 2 (morning); Davide Carnevali – Modena, March 2 (afternoon)
Laboratory for playwrights
A weekend entirely dedicated to young playwrights, a day’s masterclass with Gabriel Calderón and Davide Carnevali, guest authors at VIE Festival with Menelao (Menelaus) and Aristotele (Aristotle). A path starting on March 1 with the presentation of the texts contained in “Teatro. Australia” (Theatre. Australia) and continues on March 3 with the presentation of the plays contained in “Teatro. Grecia” (Theatre. Greece). A unique opportunity to enrich your knowledge and tools for drama, in anticipation of the roundtable “Drammaturgie#Anno 2019” (Drama#Year2019) scheduled for Saturday, 9 March.