The box offices will be open one hour before the shows, and…
Teatro Storchi
Largo Garibaldi 15
Tuesday, Friday and Saturday: 10 .00-13.00 and 16.30-19.00
Wednesday and Thursday: 10.00-14.00
Ph. + 39 059 2136021
Arena del Sole
via Indipendenza 44
From Tuesday to Saturday: 11.00- 14.00 and 16.30-19.00
Ph. + 39 051 2910910
Teatro Ermanno Fabbri
via Minghelli 11
Tuesday ,Thursday and Saturday: 10.30-14.00
Ph. + 39 059 9120911
Teatro Bonci
Piazza Guidazzi 9
From Tuesday to Saturday: 10.00-12.30 and 16,30-19.00
Phone bookings: from Tuesday to Saturday, 10.00-12.30 and 16,30-19.00
Ph. + 390547 355959
Castelfranco Emilia
Teatro Dadà
Piazzale Curiel 26
Wednesday: 15.30-19.00. Friday: 10.30- 14.00
Ph. + 059 927138
U35: € 50,00 (for under 35 years- 5 shows)
VIE 5: € 75,00 (5 shows)
VIE 2019: € 120,00 (all the shows)
Free entrance with compulsory reservation, from February 1st 2019, on Witness, Wasted
€ 5,00 Aristotele invita Velázquez a colazione e gli prepara uova e (Francis) Bacon (with compulsory reservation),The puppet-show man
€ 12,00 Menelao – A Bergman Affair – First Love – Casa Calabaza – Perdere le cose – Strange Tales – Se questo è Levi
€ 15,00 Ex que revienten los actores – fedeli d’Amore – Joie de vivre – True Copy – Sei
€ 25,00 El Bramido de Düsseldorf (I e II galleria: € 15,00) – Imitation of Life (palchi e barcacce 1° e 2° ordine: € 20; galleria e barcacce 3° ordine: € 12,00) – Failing to Levitate in my Studio (I e II galleria: € 15,00) – I am Europe (palchi e barcacce 1° e 2° ordine: € 20; galleria e barcacce 3° ordine: € 12,00)
A free transfer by bus shuttle is available for some performances (reservation required)