casting Aglaia Pappa, Antonis Myriagkos
direction, scenic installation, text composition Theodoros Terzopoulos
music Panagiotis Velianitis
costumes LOUKIA
lights Theodoros Terzopoulos, Konstantinos Bethanis
execution of scenic installation Charalampos Terzopoulos
technical director Konstantinos Bethanis
executive production Maria Vogiatzi
photos Johanna Weber
production Attis Theatre
Duration 55′
National première
Played in Greek with Italian and English subtitles
Amor, directed by Theodoros Terzopoulos, is a scenic composition based on a text written by Thanasis Alevras. Amor, first premiered on December 2013 and since then has been presented in Attis Theatre in Athens for three seasons, being highly appreciated by the audience and praised by the critics.
The scene is a place of an auction, where everything – the roles, the theatre accessories, the emotions, the memories, the parts of human body – is being sampled, cost and purchased. The prices are affected by the fluctuations of the stock market.
The actors humorously observe the contemporary situations, they interpret extreme behaviours of persons manipulating and being manipulated by authority, in an era of crisis. However, everything is undermined by the promise of Amor, which could function as a drive force of humanizing.
Press Review
“… Theodoros Terzopoulos is creating a kind of theatrical ‘poetry’ […] offering the unique, visually impeccable world of Amor“.
Louiza Arkoumanea, To Vima (15/12/2013)
“Terzopoulos is offering a proposal for the end of the world and its new beginning through a post-Brechtian distancing and a deeply sarcastic, but also intensely humanitarian approach”.
Dimitris Tsatsoulis, Eleftherotypia (20/1/2014)
“In 55 minutes and only with two performers – Antonis Myriagkos in a unique interpretation and luscious Aglaia Pappa – the internationally acclaimed director creates a magnificent performance – visual manifest for the “present” of the crisis” and “forever” of theatre”.
Ileiana Dimadi, Athinorama (19/12/2013)
“Theodoros Terzopoulos achieves the absolute with only a few materials, creating a concussive elegy for the lost humanism- or in other words, a hope fo its recovery”.
Eleni Petasi, click@life (18/1/2014)
“A performance in dialogue with the contemporary era- and at the same time transceding it. […] Amor is like a thunder before the lightning”.
Stella Charami, (12/12/2013)
“A political comment, contructed impeccably”.
Ioanna Kleftogianni, Eleftherotypia (9/12/2013)
Theodoros Terzopoulos. Biography
Theodoros Terzopoulos
Theodoros Terzopoulos was born in the village of Makrygialos, in the Pieria area of Northern Greece. He attended K. Michailidis’ Drama School (Athens, 1965-1967) studying under George Sevastikoglou, Leonidas Trivisas and Kostis Michailidis. Ηe studied at the Berliner Ensemble (Berlin, 1972-1976) instructed by Heiner Müller, Manfred Wekwerth, Ruth Berghaus and Ekkehart Schall. He has been Director of the Drama School of the State Theatre of Northern Greece (Thessaloniki, 1981-1983) and artistic director of the International Meeting of Ancient Drama in Delphi (1985-1988).
There he invited renowned personalities of the international theatre scene, among them Heiner Müller, Marrianne Mc Donald, Tadashi Suzuki, Robert Wilson, Andrei Serban, Wole Soyinka, Min Tanaka, Yuri Liubimov, Anatoli Vasiliev, Andrzej Wajda.
He created the ATTIS theatre group in 1985 in Delphi.
Since 1990 he has been a founding member of the International Institute of the Mediterranean Theatre comprising 22 Mediterranean countries. Since 1991 he has been the President of the International Institute of the Mediterranean Theatre in Greece holding a series of events (International Festival “Violence and Peace in the Mediterranean Theatre” Patra, 1991, “Days of Theatre Education”Mytilini, symposiums, etc).
Since 1993 he is the Chairman of the International Committee of the Theatre Olympics. On 1995 as the artistic director of the 1st Theatre Olympics at Delphi, with the title Crossing Millennia, he invites significant international performances and artists.
He was the Chairman of the 2nd Theatre Olympics that were held in Shizuoka, Japan, in 1999, with the title Creating Hope, of the 3rd Theatre Olympics that were held in Moscow in 2001, with the title Theater for the people, as also of the 4th Theatre Olympics that were held in Istanbul in 2006, with the title Beyond the Borders and of the 5th Theatre Olympics that were held in Seoul, Korea in 2010, with the title Sarang (Love and Humanity).
In 2005 he founds a new International Meeting of Ancient Drama in Municipality of Sykion, in Korinthos, with the title Skotos emon faos. The 2nd International Meeting of Ancient Drama in Municipality of Sikion, was held in 2006 with the title Descent, while the 3rd edition was held in 2011 with the title Revenge.
Terzopoulos and the ATTIS group have been on numerous tours in Greece and abroad. Within 30 years, ATTIS group produced over 1900 performances all over the world.
The work method of ATTIS group in performing Greek tragedy is taught at Drama Schools and the Departments of Classical Studies of 30 Universities around the world. Theodoros Terzopoulos is leading many workshops, teaching his work method. He has been awarded with many Theatre Prizes in Greece and abroad and he is Emeritus Professor in drama departments in universitities and drama academies. Many books have been published and translated in greek, english, german, turkish, russian, polish and chinese about his work method and his theatre approach. On 2015 he published the book about his method under the title “The Return of Dionysus”, which is being translated and published in many languages (Greek, Russian, Korean, English, German, Polish, Turkish, Chinese).
Antonis Myriagkos
He was born on the island of Chios (Greece) on 1973 and brought up in Montreal (Canada) and Athens (Greece). He studied painting at the Athens School of Fine Arts and acting at the theatre Laboratory Ebros Drama School. He has been collaborating with Attis Theatre and Theodoros Terzopoulos since 2005, taking part in performances staged in both Greece and abroad: Epigonoi (fragments of old tragedies by Aeschylos), Last Mask- fallimento by K. Logaras, Persians by Aeschylus, Kassandra by M. Pontikas, Ajax by Sophocles, Mauser by H. Müller, Prometheus bound by Aeschylus, Amor (based on a text by T. Alevras), Antigone by Sophocles (Wilma Theater, Φιλαδέλφεια, Η.Π.Α.). He has collaborated with Athens Festival and various independent theatre companies in the performances Seven one-act plays of destruction (dir. E. Timpalexi), Grimm&Grimm, (dir. L. Baur), The throne of Atreides (dir. A. Retsos), Nobody’s bench by M. Fais (dir. A. Kaltsiki), Transposition to the red by G. Mavritsakis (dir. T. Papakonstantinou). He has participated in various group painting exhibitions. He worked in the field of costume construction and make-up on the artistic part (Klepsydra) of the opening ceremony of Athens-2004 Olympic Games.
Aglaia Pappa
She completed her elementary education in France (Externat Saint-Louis, Παρίσι). She has graduated from the Department of French Language and Literature from Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and from National Theatre’ Drama School. Her theatrical credits include among others: Phaedra by Racine (dir. G. Houvardas), Andromache by Euripides (dir. J. Lassalle, co-production of Athens Music Megaron and Festival d’ Avignon), The mysterious woman by T. Kassavetis (dir. V. Vafeas), Troyan Women by Euripides (dir. M. Kakogiannis), Iphigenia in Tauris by Euripides (dir. S. Tsakiris), Orestes by Euripides (dir. S. Tsakiris), Molly Bloom by J. Joyce (dir. D. Oikonomou), The Misunderstanding by A. Camus (dir. V. Mavromati), Crave by S. Kane (dir. L. Vogiatzis), Oresteia by Aeschylus- I. Xenakis (dir. S. Sakkas), The Suppliants by Aeschylus ( dir. P. Koek– M. Marmarinos , co-production of Epidaurus Festival and Veenfabrik), Greek Insomnia by M.Fais (dir. R. Pateraki), Antigone by Sophocles (dir. L. Vogiatzis), Medea by Euripides (dir. A. Vassilief), Alarme , scenic composition based on the correspondence between Mary Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth A’ (dir. T. Terzopoulos), Amor, based on a text by T. Alevras (dir. T. Terzopoulos), Julius by K. Chantzis (dir. K. Chantzis), Lysistrata by Aristophanes (dir. M. Marmarinos). For the performance Molly Bloom she was honored with the Prize of Interpreting a Literary Text by Grotowski Institute and with the Prize of Greek Critics Committee. She was the narrator in French language in the opening and closing ceremony of Athens 2004 Olympic Games.